How Dechoker Came to Life

In 2009, Alan Carver our Inventor, was attending Sea School to gain his 200-Ton Captain’s License. During the medical training portion, Mr. Carver realized that in the event an individual choked while working on a supply vessel, there would be no hospital or emergency crew there to save a life. During that class, one of the instructors suggested that in the event of an emergency choking situation, a tracheotomy would have to be performed in order to save a life. After hearing this, Mr. Carver felt there had to be another way. As a result of Mr. Carver's idea, and working with many respected medical device engineers, FDA Consultants and health care professionals the Dechoker medical device was born and four years later has gained FDA registration.

Our Vision

Our vision is for Dechoker to be in every home, school, hospital, restaurant as well as placed in every ambulance, fire truck and emergency response vehicles.

One Wish

During the development of the Dechoker device, Patent attorney called one evening informing us how he wished the device had been finished earlier because his mother-in-law had just passed away due to a choking-related incident. Had the Dechoker device been finished, he noted, his mother-in-law may still be here.

Thank you,

Dechoker Team