30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Dechoker takes pride in our products and our service. We generously offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to return your device for any reason, just pay return shipping. A refund will be initiated when return tracking can be established. Please allow 2-7 days for refunds to show in your account as that varies by the banking institution.

90 Day Warranty
Dechoker warranties its products to be free from defects for 90 days from the date of purchase. If your product needs to be replaced we will send you a return label for the item. Once return tracking can be established a new identical device will be shipped, sorry no substitutions from your original order.

Did Your Dechoker Save A Life?
If your Dechoker was used in a life-saving emergency please report the life save here or contact life-saves@dechoker.com. For peace of mind, Dechoker will at no cost replace your device with a brand new unit.

Once you complete the return info below you will receive all the instructions on how to complete your return via email.

Start your return here or contact us at: (888) 998-8995